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PALMAROSA (cymbopogon martinii)

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Price £5.40 inc. VAT
Code: 50

Palmarosa (cymbopogon martinii)

Location: Palmarosa is grown in Africa, Brazil, Comoros, India, Indonesia and Pakistan.

Extraction: Steam distilled from the dried leaves.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is clear with a hint of yellow. It has a fresh, sweet, rosy aroma.

Description: A wild growing grass with long slender leaves and terminal flowering tops. It has a spreading habit, flourishing in the tropics.

Background: Known locally in India as "rosha" two varieties are cultivated, motia and sofia. The odour of Palmarosa resembles rose and geranium essential oils, and is used as a cheaper substitute for scenting soap. Formly Palmarosa was shipped to Bulgaria via Constantinople and used to adulterate rose oil, which was produced there.

Properties: Tonic, stimulant, antiseptic, antidepressant.


Muscular system-Useful for stiff muscles.

Skin- Promotes sebum production for dry skin, Palmarosa is also good for wrinkles. Palmarosa is an antiseptic that is beneficial for skin infections, including acne.

Emotion-Palmarosa's refreshing and compelling scent calms agitation and clarifies the lifts depression and helps with listlessness.

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PALMAROSA (cymbopogon martinii)

PALMAROSA (cymbopogon martinii)
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